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Boston Bicycle Accident Lawyers and the Jeffrey Glassman Injury Lawyers are at the forefront of advocacy for the legal rights of injured bicyclists and bicycle riders. Our team of bicycle accident lawyers, led by Andrew Fischer, Michael D’Isola, and Jeffrey Glassman have more than a century of combined experience representing cyclists in Massachusetts. Attorney Andrew Fischer has been representing injured cyclists since 1981. An avid cyclist and a zealous cycling advocate, he has written amicus briefs for cycling advocacy groups and has authored legislation protecting cyclists.

Commuter Bicycle Accidents

Transit bus operators and ridesharing vehicle drivers can enter or exit the roadway without paying attention to their surroundings. Doorings are also common when passengers open doors into the roadway. A person commuting to work must be careful, watching for doors opening in their path, drivers turning in front of them and cars pulling into the roadway.

Claims against transportation agencies or rideshare drivers can get bogged down for numerous reasons, making the hiring of an experienced Boston bicycle accident attorney an important decision.

Bicycle Accidents Involving Children

A child may be taught to be cautious when cycling near parked cars or intersections, but in some cases, a driver of a car is not sufficiently aware of their environment, and a child on a bicycle can become an innocent victim. Drivers are often engaged in conversations with another person in the car or on their phones when pulling out of a driveway or away from a parking spot on the street. Operators of more modern vehicles often place too much confidence in safety technology, including backup cameras and motion detection devices, to identify nearby people, technology that has struggled to cope with bicyclists.

Failure to Yield Bicycle Accidents

Motorists failing to yield on a road or in a parking lot with a bicyclist present may do so for a number of reasons, including distraction, excessive speed, and being under the influence of drugs or alcohol. A common scenario of a failure-to-yield accident involves a driver turning left and striking a cyclist while the bike rider is riding through an intersection. Drivers should understand that cyclists are legally allowed to be and, in many cases, have the right-of-way on the road and should, therefore, be alert to the presence of bike riders.

Dooring Accidents

A dooring incident can occur when a driver or passenger opens a car door as a cyclist is attempting to pass the vehicle. The cyclist, unable to avoid a crash, slams into the car door, causing potentially life-threatening injury. In some cases, bicyclists manage to avoid hitting the opened car door, but place themselves in the path of another, approaching vehicle. Dooring accidents can result in significant internal injuries. Speaking with a bicycle accident lawyer in Boston as soon as possible can make the difference between a modest settlement and a more appropriate one.

Road Rage Bicycle Accidents

Road rage does not necessarily have to be directed at a bicyclist for the person on the bike to suffer serious injury. Aggressive behavior on the part of a driver towards occupants of a second vehicle can turn potentially deadly as the second car, attempting to avoid a collision with the aggressive driver, enters the path of a bicyclist, resulting in an accident with the cyclist. Motorists can and do act in overly aggressive ways toward bicyclists, at times resulting in injuries for the bike rider.

Bicycle Defects

Defective bicycles that fail while in use can result in serious injury. A bicycle component may fail or otherwise prevent the bike rider from avoiding hitting a stationary object, resulting in injury. Manufacturers have learned a great deal over the years regarding frame fabrication, but components can and do fail, often with disastrous consequences. Bicycle defect cases may involve multiple parties, including multiple manufacturers and the shop that sold the person the bike, so it is best to meet with an experienced Boston bicycle accident lawyer to discuss the circumstances of an incident.

Roadway Defects

Increased vehicle traffic and on city streets and cumulative effects of seasonal rainstorms and snow can take a toll on the quality of a road surface. Whether there is sufficient community investment of resources for maintaining roads and other infrastructure, road surface defects present potentially hazardous conditions for the person traveling by bicycle. Insufficiently repaired potholes, the use of sealants, and the presence of steel road repair plates can leave the road surface uneven or slippery, causing serious injury to cyclists. Excess asphalt after a resurfacing project can also represent a hazardous condition for bicyclists.

Identifying the negligent party who caused a roadway defect can be a challenge and presenting timely notice to a municipality is required to pursue a claim in many cases. Speaking to an experienced cycling attorney can help preserve a roadway defect claim to assure that a cyclist’s rights are protected.

Bicycle Accidents at Night

People ride bikes at night for different reasons. For some, the bicycle is a key part of an exercise routine. For others, the bike is vital for commuting to a place of work. Bicyclists, even those with appropriate safety lights and other accessories mounted on their bikes or wearing highly visible clothing, can still be the victims of accidents while riding at night. Motorists, at times distracted by road construction signs and other motor vehicles, can crash into a bicyclist before having time to avoid the accident.

Bicycle Accidents in Bad Weather

Cyclists, even those with experience riding in inclement weather, can be the victims of car accidents, especially when the driver of the motor vehicle doesn’t exercise sufficient caution when driving on slippery road surfaces. Both cyclists and motor vehicle drivers should be aware of slick surfaces, standing water of unknown depth, reduced visibility, and other hazards when traveling on wet roads. Drivers of passenger cars or other motorized vehicles need to operate their vehicles in a responsible manner, especially when sharing the road with bicyclists.

Common Bicycle Accident Injuries

Body parts susceptible to injury in bike accidents include the hip, knee, thigh, and other portions of the leg. In some instances, the wrist, elbow, shoulder, and other upper extremities can sustain injury. Other injuries can involve the head, face, chest, and other regions of the body. Head-related impact can result in traumatic brain injury. Some injuries can lead to further complications in the future, so it is prudent for the injured cyclist to check with a bicycle accident attorney in Boston regarding the nature and extent of their injuries.

Fatal Bicycle Accidents

Fatal bike accidents can occur in a number of ways. Whether state law restricts or prohibits the use of cell phones while driving, people operating motor vehicles are often distracted by use of mobile devices. A distraction lasting a second or two in length can make the difference between hitting a cyclist at a reduced rate of speed, causing injuries requiring a trip to the emergency room, and a catastrophic accident, with the injuries to the cyclist proving fatal. A wrongful death bike accident case is best handled by an experienced injury attorney.

Contact an Experienced Attorney Today

Injured cyclists and their families deserve immediate access to the best available legal representation. Call 617-777-7777 or fill out our online contact form today for a free consultation.

  • "The settlement was big enough that I was able to finance and start my own bicycle delivery service."

  • "They guided me through the confusion of health insurance and car insurance…pushing through the low offers to full recompense."

  • "They navigated my case with grace, expertise, confidence and authority."

  • "They went above the call of duty by making a house call when I was immobile."

Bike Accident Lawyers Blog
  • If I am struck by a vehicle while riding my bicycle and suffer injury, can I sue the driver?
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  • Are there others from whom I might be able to collect damages from for my bicycle injuries?
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  • What are the possible damages I might be able to recover for bicycle accident injuries?
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Scale Icon
  • Permission to ride a bike on any road, street or bikeway that is public, except limited access or express state highways in locations where there are signs that specifically don’t allow cyclists.
  • Allowance to pass on the right.
  • Use of right or left hand to alert drivers or others to turns and stops.
  • Permission to ride on sidewalks outside of local business districts, unless there is a local ordinance that outlaws it.
Bike Icon
  • A team of a dozen riders representing at Jeffrey Glassman Injury Lawyers rode for the third consecutive year...
  • Andrew Fischer testified in support of the proposed Bike Path Crossing bill on January 6, 2016, at a joint House/Senate hearing on proposed new bicycle laws...
  • The CPSC has announced a recall of Cannondale mountain bikes because of an issue with potentially defective stem/steer tube assemblies, causing the OPI stem/steering...
Bicycle Helmet Icon
  • Ride on any public street, road or bikeway in the state, except where access is limited or on expressways where there are posted signs indicating it’s too dangerous.
  • Have a bicycle race on any public street or road, provided you do so through a recognized bicycle organization and you obtain the stamp of approval from local police.
  • Ride on sidewalks outside of business district, unless there is a local ordinance that bars riding on sidewalks.
Bicycle Sign
The Lucky 7's ultimate bike contest